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Camac Harps Wales  >  Harp Strings  >  Pedal Harp Strings
  Camac Pedal Harp Strings
Camac Pedal Harp Strings Camac Harps produce five different types of strings: Gut, Light Gut, Nylon, Alliance® and Wire. Most Camac harps will have at least two different types of string, but don't worry if you are not too sure what you need to order just check with us first by phone or e-mail. All we need to know is which model harp you have and counting from the top which string you need!
  Bow Brand Pedal Harp Strings
Bow Brand Pedal Harp Strings Bow Brand produce four different types of strings: Gut, Heavy Gut, Nylon and Wire. Most harps will have at least two different types of string, but don't worry if you are not too sure what you need to order just check with us first by phone or e-mail. All we need to know is which model harp you have and counting from the top which string you need!

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